Bright and shiny!!!…Ooooooh nice!
There is much talk in the industry right now about metallic colours, embellishments and increased response rates or profit margins from 5th/6th colour additions.
Print applications where embellishments are applied can surprise you.
Perhaps the biggest surprise should be the potential amount of additional revenue/profit.
A recent Infotrends report identified that customer will pay 24-89% MORE for printed products with some form of embellishment
At present, 30% of offset printed output has some form of additional finish, compared to less the 3% of digital.
Why does this matter ?
Simple… adding embellishments to your work will differentiate you from your competition, with ‘signature’ pieces, whilst capturing more revenue.
The colour options are wider than you may think, including Gold, Silver, White, Clear and even Fluorescent colours.
We can supply products from all of the main manufacturers at costs that will surprise you.
From the small footprint Xerox Primelink, up to the huge industrial MGI Jet Varnish 3D
With applications guides that will help you through the process, the only question you should be asking yourself right now, is ‘when do I start’?
For more information, call 07518 604611 or email