It is easy to see how more automation might replace people with robots, but is that right for society?
Shouldn’t automation work as much WITH us and it does FOR us?
A typology has been developed for Operator 4.0, which aims at expanding the capabilities of the industry worker with innovative technological means, rather than replacing the worker with robots.
This typology includes 8 future projections of extended operators:
1. the Super-strength Operator (operator + exoskeleton),
2. the Augmented Operator (operator + augmented reality),
3. the Virtual Operator (operator + virtual reality),
4. the Healthy Operator (operator + wearable tracker),
5. the Smarter Operator (operator + intelligent personal 16 16 assistant),
6. the Collaborative Operator (operator + collaborative robot),
7. the Social Operator (operator + social networks), and
8. the Analytical Operator (operator + Big Data analytics)xii.
With this approach, humans remain at the centre of the production process, and technology maximises the benefits for both the company and the worker.
Are you ready?
For more information, or a copy of a detailed EU commission report on Industry 5.0 please get in touch.
Fascinating reading! or 07518 604611