To increase awareness?
To capture attention?
To set you aside from your competition?
To enhance your brand image?
….All of the above?

A great webinar from Ricoh Europe shared information on how the expansion of your colour range and addition of enhancements such as silver and gold, really adds value to your jobs and your bottom line.

But, it isn’t just about profit, is it?
How can you increase your likelihood to get more jobs from design agencies when they are looking for a Print Service Provider?
These are a few things that they might be looking for.

And with those capabilities, comes a higher return for you.
Design agencies and corporate print buyers/brands actually expect to pay more for these facilities…quite a bit more.

So come on, get with the embellishment programme.
For more information on how additional colours and an expanded gamut can help your business, get in touch. or call 07518604611